Tuesday, January 9, 2018

dressed up tourist

My family took some long car trips during the summer when I was young.  We camped along the way.  First it was tenting and then it became tent-trailering with a Higgins tent trailer.  In the late 1950's we took our road trips pulling an Airstream.  What a luxury!  One summer we ventured through the mid-Atlantic states.  We toured the nations Capitol and President George Washington's home at Mt. Vernon.  We then travelled down into Virginia to see the restored village of colonial Williamsburg.  So, here's the thing.  Even though we were campers and had our fair share of play clothes along for roughing it, we also had our visiting (or tourist) attire that gave no hint to the public that we had all just slept, dressed and ate in a trailer parked in a nearby campground.  When each of us was dressed and ready to go, we waited outside, seated at the picnic table next to the trailer.  When we were all ready, we jumped in the family station wagon and went out to "see stuff". My mom liked to see us clean, dressed and looking proper.  My sister and I wore dresses and the boys cleaned up nicely, too.  That was the way it was.  Mom's decision.  And, I thank her for it.  It set a pattern for me later in life to always try to look my best and dress for the occasion.  Thanks Mom for all your hard work and determination.  You taught by example.  The lessons were learned.

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