Thursday, January 25, 2018

D day

When I was ten years old my family made a road trip out west.  We rumbled down the road in a Chevy station wagon (five kids stuffed in the back!) and the car pulled an Airstream trailer.  This was our first big voyage with the Airstream and we had a grand time.  We visited many national parks along the way and saw things I had only seen in books or in the National Geographic magazine.  The picture above was taken at Disneyland.  This visit was a treat for us because we had seen the opening of the park on TV and we were very excited to be here.  We never missed an episode of the Mickey Mouse Club, either.  Back in the day the park was open to the public for free.  Packets of tickets for the rides were sold at ticket booths throughout the park and Dad bought a couple of packets for us to use.  I remember the older boys rode on the mini car rides and my younger brother, sister and I rode on other rides.  There were height restrictions for the rides that had to be considered, as well.  This was how the tickets were divided up.  We all enjoyed the various shows.  I remember my Mom liked the singing bird show.  When the tickets were all gone, we left the park.  Mom bought my sister and me these hats while we were there.  They came in handy on the rest of the trip as they shielded our Minnesota heads from the very warm California sun.  Look at the price of this ride.  10 cents.  Wow!  But, when you consider our family had seven people in it, the prices for the rides really added up.  Thus, there was a two packet limit and, all in all, we had a super great day.

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