Tuesday, July 24, 2018

playing in the water

The temperatures these days are so high it got me to thinking about the easiest and most fun way to cool down during the hot, humid summers we spent growing up in Minnesota.  Just jump in the lake. In Minnesota that means just look around the corner and you will most certainly find a lake--any lake--since there are so many lakes throughout the state.  And, they all have beaches so access to the water is super easy.  Here I am with my brother, Duane, and my sister, Susan, playing in the water.  This most likely was taken at Lake Villard.  Susan looks like she might be done.  I think that's a towel around her shoulders.  Cool water can still give you the chills even on a hot day.  Stay safe, kiddies.

1 comment:

  1. The dessert picture looks so hot! It is 59 degrees this morning in Highlands and SO refreshing!
