Monday, June 4, 2018

senior pix/crazy curl

This is a funny story about my senior portrait.  It also involves my friend Linda.  Linda and I were talking about what we would wear for the pictures.  I had a beautiful yellow sweater that I planned to wear.  It was very simple in style with a plain round neckline.  Linda had a very beautiful cross necklace that she planned to wear for her portrait.   She didn't have a simple round neck style sweater to wear so I lent her mine.  She lent me her cross to wear.  Bingo!!  We helped each other out and we were happy to do so.  Back in the day senior portraits were always taken as black and white photos.  Linda and I laugh to this day because even though we were dressed identically, no one would ever know just by looking at our yearbook pictures.  No yellow sweater give away!!   That's our joke.  About my hair...hmmm.   I was initially disappointed with the photo because while I was sitting for the photographer, he decided to place the curl (I call her "crazy curl") that is on the left side of my head onto my shoulder.  I had wanted that curl to be in back of my shoulder.  I have always thought that this random curl looked out of place just floating there all alone.  I had teased and sprayed my hair just to get that perfect long haired '60's look (British fashion models were my idols at the time--especially Jean Shrimpton) and then this weird shoulder curl/crazy curl showed up in my senior portrait.  What!!  OK, OK, to be fair I'm all right with it now.  I'm just telling you how I felt then.  Class of '66 rules.  Enjoy your day.

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