Sunday, June 17, 2018

grandpa's are father's, too

Here are pictures of the boys with their grandpa in about 1985 and again about twelve years later.  Oh, how they loved him and he loved them, too.  Grandpa's are the best.  They show interest in everything you do and they brag about all of your accomplishments to their friends and to anyone else who will listen.  Grandpa's give good old fashioned advice with a short story attached for clarification.  They stand back amazed at how technologically advanced their grandkids are and, again, they tell all their friends about how wonderful it is to have their own personal computer technicians on hand when they need them.  Mostly though it was about their food connection.   This grandpa loved to watch the boys eat especially when they got to be teenagers.  He'd make sure that he took them to an all-you-can-eat buffet whenever they visited.  He enjoyed telling them to eat all they wanted.  His way of saying it went something like this.  "Now that you've filled up one leg, go back and fill up the other one."  He joked that he, too, could eat like that at one time.  He was also very good at passing along words of wisdom.  I know this because he was my father and he dispensed plenty of wise thoughts in my direction throughout the years.  Happy Father's Day to all the father's and grandfather's who left a positive legacy for their kids and grandkids.  This one sure did.

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