Tuesday, June 5, 2018

another graduation day

In June of 1967 my sister and brother graduated from high school.  They graduated in a class of over eight hundred students, the largest graduating class in the school's history.  Here they are taking a picture with our Dad at the Baccalaureate service at the high school on the days preceding graduation.    After the graduation ceremony the graduates attended an all night party at the junior high which was a couple of blocks away from the high school.  The night included movies, games, lots of food and a visit by a well known celebrity in the area--generally a Minnesota twins baseball player.  In the morning everyone walked over to the high school for breakfast and then it was over.  We were done.  High School was finished.  On to college.  But first.....summer fun.   p.s. When I posted the other day about my high school graduation I erred in that the picture taken of me was actually taken on my college graduation day, not on the day of my high school graduation.  In the back of my mind I knew I wore a white robe for the high school ceremony and a black robe for the college ceremony.  Oops!  However, the story that I posted remains the same.

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