Sunday, March 18, 2018

more Disneyland

I found another picture of the day we spent at Disneyland.  The year was 1958.  Here is a picture of Steven, Susan and me riding on burros.  The one thing I vividly remember was the narrow path that the burros were walking on and how scared I was when my burro came very close to the edge of a cliff (or so I thought).  I was so scared that I was going to fall off the cliff that I started whimpering and apparently the lead guide heard me.  I remember that he turned around to see what the problem was and all he saw was me--fidgeting and squealing.  He said not to worry.  The burros were all tied together and no one has ever fallen off.  I settled down but I was still scared.  Then the ride ended and that was that.  But, I still remember to this day the scared feeling I had riding on the burro.  Look how gentile they look in the picture.  The other kids are laughing and having a really good time, too.  Just not me.

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