Thursday, March 8, 2018

lotsa Brudevolds

1952.  Oh boy, here's a lot of relatives packed in tight on somebody's back steps.  Let's see, as far as the kids go, in the front row there is Duane, Susan, Robert, Jean and Nancy.  Keith B. is behind Duane and Steven is next to him.  Someone is next to Steven and it could be either David or the other Keith B.  Carol is being held by her father Don and Grandma is in the center.  Doris and Oscar B. are standing next to her.  In the very back row we have Bennett, Oscar G., Ruth and Grandpa.  Oh, my word!!  And...the steps didn't even give in.  Great craftsmanship.  They don't build them like that these days.  Wowsers!  Here's to us.  All of us.  side note: Can you see where I get my big forehead?  Heredity!  Wax them to a fine shine and you could send sun reflected morse code messages off of them.  Yes sir-e-e-e.

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