Tuesday, December 25, 2018

tinsel on the tree

Look at all that tinsel hanging on the tree!!  It was put there strand by strand.  No throwing it on the tree.  Every piece of tinsel was placed on that tree individually...and with care.  And, guess what.  When the tree was taken down after Christmas was over (well into January), each strand of tinsel was removed one by one and placed on the original cardboard holder and then that holder was then tucked into the original cellophane wrapper that the tinsel came in from the store.  We were a thrifty bunch.  Waste not, want not.  Norwegian thrift, we called it.  That same tinsel lasted for years.  The only pieces that didn't make it back into the package were the shriveled ones that got too close to a Christmas tree light bulb and semi-melted.  Looks like my brother and I are having fun there inspecting an opened gift.  Christmas on Brookside Avenue.  My childhood remembered.

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