Monday, December 31, 2018

the end of the year

I've shown this picture before.  It is a school picture taken of me in the first grade.  Look at that hopeful, smiley face.  Every day was an adventure.  And that is the way this year went, too.  Everyday was an adventure.  I traveled from coast to coast and saw a lot along the way.  Being with people (family) is special and full of excitement.  Being alone has its rewards, too.  That is when I am able to reflect on "things"--anything, everything.  And so I close out this year knowing that in two weeks I will no longer be seventy.  I will be "in" my seventies.  I've crossed the threshold into the next decade of my life. I'm excited to see what this new decade has waiting for me.  I will find out a bit at a time.  Goodbye to 2018.  Hello 2019.

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