Monday, April 2, 2018

the egg

Today is Easter Sunday.  One Easter many years ago I learned a very valuable lesson about eggs.  Boiled eggs go BAD just as easily as raw eggs.  This is what happened.  I had dyed some boiled eggs and they turned out to be very lovely colors.  One egg in particular became my favorite and I decided to save it.  I put it in my dresser drawer (hidden under some clothing) and looked at it every day.  It was such a pretty egg.  One day my mother came into the room and noticed a funny smell.  She said it smelled like rotten eggs.  I mentioned that I had a boiled egg saved in my dresser drawer.  She took one look at the egg and told me it had to was rotten.  I couldn't believe the egg went bad because it was boiled.  Shouldn't that protect it?  Apparently not.  Mom and I cracked open the egg and both of us stepped back in amazement at how badly the egg smelled.  The inside yoke and egg white had shriveled.  It was disgusting.  I learned never to hide a boiled egg (just for safe keeping, of course) again.  The beauty of the egg was replaced with repulsion.  And that's the way it goes.  The outside beauty was just superficial.  It's what was inside that counts.

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