Friday, April 6, 2018

bears and cars-140003

Another summer road trip.  I believe this picture was taken in 1951 when we took a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota.  Look at those classic cars.  What are the people doing out in the road?  There's a bear there.  A Wild Bear.  Back in the early 1950's we were camping with a tent.  I remember trying to go to sleep in a flannel lined sleeping bag on a canvas air mattress in a stuffy tent.    We visited people along the way from Minnesota through the Dakotas, as people did back in the day. Take a trip, visit the folks.  I remember staying in a motel for a night or two.  The travel motels at that time were mostly the cozy cabin variety.  I remember one morning fussing with my older brothers about who was poking whom and at some point we must have crossed the line.  My Dad picked me up (I was three years old at the time and a semi chunky lightweight) and he tossed me over on the bed where my mom was laying.  Bang!!  My hard head hit her right in the eye socket and she was in a lot of pain.  I had just given her a major black eye that stayed with her for days.  What a way to spend a vacation--explaining away a black eye.  I was the culprit that gave it to her just because I was a whining little girl who got caught up in a lousy poke fest.  Although my mom never reminded me of the time my head and her head met in an unfortunate way, I have thought about it many times over the years as I dodged head butts from my own kids.  The cycle continues.  My grandkids are now the masters of "head aches", literally.  Well, enjoy the memory...and the bears.

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