Wednesday, October 17, 2018

mom's piano

My Mom wanted to learn how to play the piano.  So, she bought a piano.  Some of us kids took lessons.  Mine didn't go so well.  But, I always think of this instrument as Mom's piano.  I am very glad it is being used again by a new generation of budding pianists.  I hope Mom would be happy.

Friday, October 5, 2018

my third grandchild

Where has the time gone?  This little boy turned three years old today.  He still loves to be held, though.  He calls me grammy.  Happy Birthday, Ben Ben.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

family gathering

I believe this picture was taken about ten years ago.  We were gathering to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal at my Dad's place.  Only Dad was not there.  He had just passed away in October.  My sister had wanted to fix him a traditional holiday meal and we followed through with the dinner.  It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since he left us.  Thinking of you, Dad.  (same hair)

Monday, October 1, 2018

the sand box

When we lived on Brookside Avenue we had a small sand box to play in.  The sand box was built next to the garage but within eyesight of the kitchen window.  Mom kept a pretty close eye on us kids.  This picture was taken during the summer of 1949.  I am enjoying my sand box playtime with my brother.  Looks like one jolly baby, I'd say.  I wonder if I am singing or am I just a constant talker.  I can see where the jelly rolls landed in the family.  Not on my brother, that's for sure.  Ahh, simple summer fun.  Cool sand on a hot day.